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Friday, 3 August 2018

climate challenges!

Year after year, the annual state of the climate report makes clear the conclusions at a fast pace, on which climate change is affecting the ability to sustain life on Earth. Its report is not different on 2017; Based on global temperature, last year was the second or third hot year (the dataset is analyzed), and the hottest non-El Niño (a climatic event that warts the Pacific) annually. As the greenhouse gas emissions, the ocean levels reached record high levels last year. Both the Arctic and the Antarctic melted quite ice, the glaciers lost mass for the 38th consecutive year, and for a long time, the warm sea temperatures caused huge volatile emissions of the world's coral rocks. Scientists from all over the world agree that these changes are threatening food and water supply in the world, and contributing to the devastating climate phenomena - heat, flood, storm and forest fire - have been seen late. The irony is that the initiative of the report is led by the American government agency - the same government whose leader, President Donald Trump, broke the hope of reducing the immediate impact of the Paris Convention when it was signed by the signers Decided to withdraw from the list of US

In Pakistan, on May 28, 2017, the temperature of Turbo reached 53.5 degree Celsius - the highest temperature in the world for most of all time and May - while the summer monsoon was 22.5 pc lower than the average rainfall. Although our carbon footprint is relatively less in terms of global emissions, we prey on extreme weather events, and for this reason we should take action alone. Still, climate resilience is also absent in the national climate and policy makers do not even register at the end of tail.

The lack of political will appears in the window dressing, which is the Ministry of Climate Change - in 2013 suspended for a division, then again in 2015, it was notified as the Ministry, only under the leadership of the minister for which no one The expertise was not a small budget plan and development is still heavily dependent on carbon-intensive power projects and unstable water management solutions. PTI in its 2018 manifesto dedicated a complete section for climate change and made bold promises. With the formation of the new government in the matter of days, it is expected that at least this provides some of these by ensuring that allocation of funds for climate adaptation matches the real, huge scale of Pakistan's environmental challenges Come closer to the food

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